Coronavirus Prevention and Policy Updates
Coronavirus Prevention
We hope you were able to enjoy this chilly bright beautiful day. Being in the sun without sunscreen helps replenish your Vitamin D levels which in turn helps boost you immune system. And speaking of boosting your immune system, here are a couple of other tips we’ve picked up from the webinars we’ve recently participated in:
Zinc: 30mg/day lozenges that dissolve slowly are the best way to ingest the Zinc
Vitamin D: 4000IU/day
Vitamin C: 4000mg/day
Echinacea: 300-500mg of the dried herb in tablet or capsule 3x/day or 2.5-5mL of tincture up to 3x/day. Echinacea has been shown to be generally safe in pregnancy
Here are a few useful websites to look at:
Other news for our clients
We are asking that just the mamas/gestational parent come to the office for their prenatal and ultrasound appointments. Again, this is not our usual policy but it will help to keep us all healthy.
If you have or are able to buy or borrow an automatic blood pressure cuff, we recommend that you do so. Sometime this week we will have five blood pressure cuffs available to lend out. Having access to an automatic blood pressure cuff will allow us to keep track of your blood pressure remotely. We will also be sending clients urine strips for you to use on the day of your remote prenatal visits.
And now, to postpartum visits:
As of now, our plan is to do in-person visits 24-36 hours after birth at your home. As much as we love your older children we would ask to have them somewhere else in the house or at a family member’s home so our paths don’t cross. At this visit we will do all the usual assessments and testing. We will then leave a scale and sling with you so you can keep monitor your baby’s weight gain or loss. If you should have nursing difficulties or other issues that require an in-person visit we will certainly come back to address those needs. Our goal is to give you the best care possible while keeping you and your family as safe as possible. Thank you for cooperating and please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
We also encourage you to read all of the coronavirus updates on our blog.
Images of coronavirus are fascinating BUT isn’t this echinacea calming?